Story Behind the Song
This idea came as an attempt to dissolve the barrior between different types of people. Regardless of race, religion or appearance, deep down inside, EVERYBODY is the same.
Everybodys laughin,
For a good time,
And everybodys walkin,
In a straight line,
But everybodys different,
The way they act and talk,
And everybodys different,
Right down to their walk
Everybodys complaining,
Prices are high,
And Everybodys worried,
They all give a sigh,
But everybodys happy,
When things go their way,
And people greet each other,
Because its OK
Look around, different shapes,
different heights, everyones unique,
Different colors,
different clothes,
and various physiques,
The worlds a neat place,
To meet a different face,
Everybodys happy, everybodys crying,
facts you will face
And everybodys happy,
They all get along,
And everybody sings,
A happy song
But everybodys different,
The way they act and talk,
And everybodys different,
Right down to their walk
And Everybodys happy
And everybodys laughin,
And everybodys crying,
And everybodys happy,
And Everybodys happy,
Everybodys Dancin,
And Everybody's happy.