Story Behind the Song
Paul was reflecting on the meaning of his relationship with this woman, resulting children, raising pain and forever.
Different Kind of Tear Copyright (c) 1998 Boyd/Winders)
But thatís different kind of tear, I cry,
when I think of you, beside of me
and if I see us in a light, that doesnít quite reflect,
your size dear
For I could never, ever recognize
all the effort, wishing, work and tries
never went away unsatisfied...
But thatís a different kind of sound, I hear
when I listen close, to the childís refrain.
And on the way to Travelerís Keep, the pains grow up to be
our fulling suite.
For I never really realized,
the kindly pressure held behind green eyes
never cautious, never based on lies...
I know its never been so deep,
but for cautious sentimental me,
past the playing, joking, make it neat...whoa...
But thatís a different kind of tear, that cries,
to be picked-up, fed and held.
and if I see us in a light,
that doesnít quite reflect, your sighs as well.
For I could never, ever recognize
all the effort, wishing, work and tries
all the laughter now is satisfied...