Story Behind the Song
I have no idea. Im guessing Osama is either a big fan of Bor Bor music or he's just plain Bor Bored sitting in caves all day.
If, if I could have a little bit more volume please, oh ok thats, thats good, right there .. oh oh thats very nice, very nice .. Bor BOR, bor bor, bor bor bor, bor .. Bor Bor .. bor bor .. Bor bor, Bor bor bor, bor bor, Tora Bora bor .. bor bor bor Bor bor, BOR bor, Bor .. Bor bor ... Bor Bor .. bor bor bor .. I am hiding from the Americans, I am waiting for them to come and kill me, I AM VERY VERY SCARED .. BOR BOR, BOR bor .. Why did I have to attack them, WHY, IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA .. Bor, bor bor, bor bor .. B BOR Bbor, Bor, Bor Bor .. bor bor .. bor, borbor, bor bor bor ... bor, bor bor, borbor, BrBar BarBo, bor bor .. maybe I could apoligize .. Bor .. bor bor, bor borbor, bor ... Borbor