Story Behind the Song
This song is about authority. Can you say AUTHORITY, kids? Good.
Wackenhut: international tyrannical organization
Wrecking the nation on every TV and Amtrak station
Like this one black Hatian, mr. Jackson, waxing his bald head
He can be as sweet as pie, but if you get on his bad side, you're all dead.
Hold it! Oh siat(?), back in your assigned seats
I'm too slick to be tricked I come from the hard streets
Flunked out of cop school, for shooting kids
Do you want to know what you did? You know what you did!
Great horny toads.
My teeth are gold, but my rhymes is platinum
I bust in your house late at night like batman
I flatten them, wear a hat like hatman
I'm gonna feed your cat like mellonfarming cat man
like that man
I eat suckers like Pachman/Pac-man
come back then, beat your ass like RATMAN
that's right,
a man named Matt.
Nothing else rhymes with platinum, so forget (funk) that