Cracka J proposed some rapping of nursery rhymes to childen. So it was done. In this song are "edited" versions of such infamous rhymes as 'Its raining, its poring', 'Itsy bitsy spider', and 'Hush little baby'. This song is the outro for the first TC CD, so on the next intro, we'll be referencing Bin Laden on the Team Cracka jet. |
Story Behind the Song
Cracka J suggested the idea to Cracka A that we take some familiar nursery rhymes and mix em up with friendly vulgarities, and make a song! Cracka A didnt like the idea, he thought it was too "easy", but the Cracka J talked him into it.
NOTE: These are copy and pasted from a text file, so there probably not in correct order!
heyyyy kids, gather around and I'll tell you some nursery rhymes
you guys wanna here some nursery rhymes???
dont you think it'll be fun??? *baby: no
get over here you little fuck'n little pricks *shotgun*
*baby cry*
now lets just all sit down in a nice little circle
you want some apple sauce? you want some chocolate? you wanna suck on your mommas titty?
*baby cry*
well people, you'll find that all exits are sealed because cracka J is guarding them with a shotgun
ahhh andy, we got babys trying to excape, andy what should I do?
kill the motha fuckn babies
ahhhhhhhhhhh you fuck'n savages
eeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
eeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
andy its really sad now, but we dun reached the end
the end first installment of Team cracka
eeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
eeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
you really got my balls in a blender
A: thank you for flying team cracka airlines, the worlds fastest growing hip-hop airlines
andy, bring home the bacon and kick it into hyper drive
A: allright jonah, shields are up and we're head'n into sector nine
ok, we got clear skies, we should have a nice clean landing
wait, oh my god whats that? ahhh its bin laden
land the plane quick
Incy Wincy spider, climbed up the spout,
Down came the rain
and washed the fucker out.
Out came the sunshine,
And dried up all the rain.
well it happened again so he went and grabbed his glock
he decided to go and shoot up the spout
when he got back there was allready water
so he said fuck and raped somebodys daughter
It's raining it's pouring,
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed
and bumped his head
and couldn't get up in the morning.
I snuck to his house when it was really dark
cut off his head and ate his fuckn heart
Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a fucking mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a cheap ass ring
And if that ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna stick his big dick in your ass
And if that little ass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull fall down,
You'll still has the sweetest little ass in town