Story Behind the Song
I think it kind of speaks for itself,
but if you're listening to it and you're confused as to when exactly the protagonist took his tragic fall and what characterized his flaw, please feel free to ask.
I should have known this is not what bliss is
I should have known I shouldn't be pleasing
A guy who in between kisses
Is hacking, and coughing and sneezing
It's a curse, it's sad vicious cycle
When he really wants to take off your clothes
But then he reaches for a box of Nyquil
And spends five minutes blowing his nose
So, I conceive that I should leave
Is that a poster of the Wizard of Oz hanging on the wall?
(true story)
Does he perceive that it's my biggest pet peeve
when they say talk to you later, and then they fail to call?
Two long weeks have passed me by
And I lie here in my bed
Crusties form beneath each eye
And mucus fills my head
I got your germs and then
We never talk again
"Achoo," this is getting old
I can't believe I gave you my number, when all you gave me was your cold
I told my mom, and my physic and my therapist Joan
That I think it is truly outrageous
That I'm attracted to men who can't pick up the phone
And to top it all off they're contagious
Then my doctor said that my throat was red
So he should do a Mono test
After I told him that,
"I guess the night was fun, but then his nose began to run.
Now there's congestion in my chest"
He said,
"not again my friend, another similar end?
Do you think perhaps it's pollen or mold?"
"No," I said,
"I gave a guy my number, and all he gave me was his cold."
Now I'm hacking up green phlegm
I can't walk, I can't talk, I can't sing
Though I wish I could erase the exchange of germs that took place
I don't want the telephone to ring
You see, you're time is up
Which means, our time has passed
I don't care if you're rich or precocious
Because my cold turned into a constant state of weakness
Which was diagnosed as mononucleosis
And you know what?
Cuddling is highly overrated
When you foresee that soon you will be
And remember when I said,
"ooo baby, that's the spot
don't stop!
Oh my god!"
Well, that wasn't even near my clitoris
All that heavy breathing was all a facade
Oh the lengths I'll go to let people know,
to make sure that the public is told
that this is what happens
When I give a guy my number, and all he gives me is his cold
I can't believe I gave you my number-
And it was my real number too. Not the fake number that I usually give out
to guys who tell me that I look like their mother, or their sister, or their girlfriend, or their ex-girlfriend, who apparently is evil, and who coincidentally looks just like me-
true story
I can't believe I gave you my number, when all you gave me was this cold