Fa is calling, shining light
Fa is calling, burning bright
Fa is calling, every sound
Fa is calling, all around
And when I hear the Fa that is calling, I know it’s calling me.
And when I hear the Fa that is calling, I know that I am free.
Fa is calling, once again
Fa is calling, Zhen Shan Ren
Fa is calling, open door
Fa is calling, forever more
And when I hear the Fa that is calling, I know it’s calling me.
And when I hear the Fa that is calling, I know that I am free.
Fa is calling, all is new
Fa is calling, me and you
Fa is calling, one big voice
Fa is calling, all rejoice
And when I hear the Fa that is calling, I know it’s calling me.
And when I hear the Fa that is calling, I know that I am free.
Ending: (3 times) And I am coming home.