Story Behind the Song
I was taking part in a drama production entitled Americana. I was told there would be a lot of ballads and drama, so I decided to write a theme song that would move things right along. The song is a tribute to Americans everywhere, the melting pot of the world, where we all pull together to see things through. It was written in my own home and recorded the next day, taking two hours time to finish the song.
Americana, you know our hearts are filled with pride.
Americana, God will always be our guide.
And when the chips are down,
You ll always be right by our side.
Americana, will shine from sea to shining sea.
Americana, forever lives in you and me.
Our men have fought and died
To secure her liberty.
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain.
For purple mountains majesty,
Above the fruited plains.
America, America,
God shed His grace on thee.
And crown thy good
With brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea.
Americana, you know our hearts are filled with price.
Americana, God will always be our guide.
And when the chips are down,
We ll always be right by your side.
Americana, Americana, Americana, Americana, Americana, Americana.