Story Behind the Song
The funny thing about this song is that I have no idea who it's about. I was thinking of some attractive middle-aged woman stuck somewhere living out her boring suburban life, thinking about how things ended up the way they did. A daily dose of coffee and alcohol keeps her together as she fantasizes about leaving it all behind. She swears that it's just a matter of time before her life will change, but she can't find the power to do anything about. She's getting older, and every day looks less and less encouraging. In the end, we find that nothing has changed: the song starts out the same way it began. Musically, this song has a simple repetitive piano motive in the verses and then a lively chorus that builds up, gospel choir-style, into an emphatic iteration of the main lyrical motive.
It's only a reason, that's what she said,
She's been making up her face before her bed.
Tall cups of coffee help her to understand,
Fine wine and spirits find ideas in her head.
A smile in the morning never shows in her eyes,
She's been making up her lies before her mind.
Tall cups of coffee where her lipstick marks hide,
She only takes Sweet and Low and likes her life on the side.
And there's no one she wants to follow,
And there's nothing she has to hide.
It's only a reason and a matter of time.
It's been a long time coming from what she left behind,
When Daddy showed her rich boy and Mommy made her the bride.
Fine china cabinets she never opened from outside,
And her plans alone that she made unknown were running out of time.
She's had all that she's wanted,
Now she's wanting to change her mind.
It's only a reason and a matter of time.
It's only a reason, that's what she said,
She's still making up her face before her bed.