Story Behind the Song
In Revelation 19:7 the Bible talks about the marriage of the Lamb, "Let us be glad and rejoice, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready." As I thought about this verse, the several wedding parables of Jesus came to mind. I began to wonder what type of story there would be to tell if all of the parables and Revelation 19 were put together. This is my best attempt at it!
Bride’s Song
Hey girls, how could you do this?
Fall asleep on the biggest night of my life!
I know it’s been a long time,
Since He left to prepare for us a place.
But in this mid of night,
At last I see His light.
Wake up, girls! Here comes my Man!
In clouds of white, with angels bright,
I know He’s coming very soon.
Are you ready now to meet Him?
Here comes my Man!
Five of you are not ready,
Didn’t He say to always be prepared?
Five of you have the oil,
Of the Spirit and Truth, showing that you dared
To trust Him and obey.
Now He will lead the way.
We travel through the streets,
Bringing in many blind and lame and poor.
But for the foolish virgins,
Up ahead there is only a closed door.
They cry to be let in,
But they never really knew Him.
The bride has made herself ready,
Adorned in linen white.
It is the righteous acts of the saints,
Done through His mercy and might.