Story Behind the Song
Mystery novelist SJ Rozan contributes a reading of "These are the Places," a list of ports-of-call she created for the multimedia opera "The Ship That Lies at the Bottom."
These are the Places
SJ Rozan
Read by the author
These are the places I’ve been:
Cape Fear, New York, Halifax, Toronto, Menomonee, Sault Ste. Marie, St. John’s, Nutak,
Sisimiuk, Reykjavik, Alta
These are the places I’ve been:
Bergen, Dover, Calais, Lisboa, Barcelona, Palermo, Sebastopol, Istanbul, Antalya, Tripoli,
These are the places I’ve been:
Dakhla, Dakar, Freetown, Accra, Cape Town, Dar es Salaam, Mombasa, Djibhouti, Dubai,
Mumbai, Madurai
These are the places I’ve been:
Chittagong, Yangan, Ye, Tavoy, Padang, Bogor, Singapore, Phnom Penh, Da Nang, Kowloon,
These are the places I’ve been:
Shanghai, Qingdao, Mokpo, Kagoshima, Wakayama, Kushiro, Kolonia, New Hanover, Port
Moresby, Bowen, Brisbane
These are the places I’ve been:
Wollongong, Suva, Tarawa, Honolulu, Chignik, Kodiak, Juneau, Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle,
San Francisco
These are the places I’ve been:
Santa Barbara, Acapulco, Chiclayo, Mollendo, Antofagasta, Valparaiso, Concepcion, Darwin,
Montevideo, Osorio, Rio de Janeiro
These are the places I’ve been:
Salvador, Natal, Cayenne, Colon, Belize, Tampico, New Orleans, Havana, San Juan, Nassau,
These are the places I’ve been.