Story Behind the Song
Best played on a sunny day, it's always a lovely day when you can be yourself. Hey it's corny, but it's true.
Isn’t it a Lovely Day, I think I’ll go outside and play
Cause I like to stick my face in the sunshine
A friend comes to me and says, that he’s a bigger man today
Of course I don’t believe him, but I think he’s OK
And when you get that feeling,
that’s when time starts healing
Where you can be yourself and throw it all away
Isn’t it a Lovely Day?
I’m tired of all these expectations,
I think I’ll join the “Y” generation,
Cause they don’t worry about such things as tax time
I think I’m in need of temptation
Or maybe just a little vacation
And if I could trust this airplane…
Everything would be fine
And when you get that feeling,
that’s when time starts healing
Where you can be yourself and throw it all away
Isn’t it a Lovely Day?
Would you like to get in my car?
Maybe will go real far….
And could you put that CD in and,
(Oh yeah, that’s the stuff)