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    "Dissapointed"genre: Experimental/Post Rock
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    New Rock that we like to call Trip Rock
    CD: &27

    Story Behind the Song
    This is the second song that our band ever wrote. We started off trying to write a reggae song, but it turned out to be this

    Verse 1: I live in a world where everyone understands me, but I don't understand. I can't please my parents but I try. I feel alone in the world does anyone feel like I do or like I have? Why try anything anymore if they're only going to be dissapointed in me.

    Chorus: I don't understand, I don't understand me. How can you see right through my eyes to see me for me? I don't understand I don't understand me. If I only dissapoint myself, how can I dissapoint you?

    Verse 2: I lay right here feeling no more fear. Wondering why she said goodbye. I sleep no more feeling like a whore. Wondering why she said goodbye. I lay awake wondering what it'll take. Why try anything anymore if they're only going to be dissapointed in me.


    Verse 3: I want to get away I want to have some fun. I need to have some fun I need to get away. Stay away! I feel alone I don't know what to do. Stay away! Why try anything anymore when they're only going to be dissapointed in me.


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