On Pajaro dunes, love was born, seemed fated from the stars
Standing on the beach with cold wet feet staring in your eyes
Paralyzed by cupid’s waves, and oceans warm embrace
We sealed the kiss, as mermaids do, submerged in complete faith
You never left the ocean, and the ocean never left you
Though I was born of city folk, and rarely felt a dew
We mixed our worlds, entwined our hearts, created one from two
Bypassed the greed and world of lust content with our sweet roux
Why must it be, though syrupy, not all that is sweet lasts
The albatross had its sites set on this land loving lad
No accident I suppose it was that broke us back in two
No accident, though insidious, that stole my gaze from you
A sirens call, not female at all, emerged from memory
That sirens call, pulled forth by age conjured my mystery
A riddle which, without full mind, I could not fantasy
A riddle which if unlocked in time, could help me breathe at sea
What takes three steps, pulls in six breaths, double takes and yet sees five
Triangulates the stars, plays six guitars, has two ears and has five lives
Three wicked men, wielding six great swords, wish to cut all that lives in two
Found five bad witches, with a huge crock-pot, who boiled them to one bitches brew.
3 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 1
3 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 1
Goon I’m sorry for this mess.
For it gets us both depressed.
I fear there ain’t no solution to our
Discomforting moods,
but we must learn to fight
Take control of our lives
This world certainly ain’t for fools
And that’s where I feel I sit
Rotten, broke, dumb, and spent
Thus I feel that I must learn, indeed we must learn
Independence and strength
For what is our journey, if we solely suckle
The warmth we represent?
10 years that will never be erased
and I’ll always treasure
your lips cheeks and face
the truth in your eye
your love of the ocean
and love of the sky
your faith and compassion
that can never be replaced
The way you opened my mind
And always challenged me to cry,
Though painful I enjoyed every time
Like tears as I spill these lines
Free now on separate paths
I claim music, while you engage plants
Though maybe no more romance,
our love will never die
though history like glue pulls me towards you
we’ll be forever friends