Story Behind the Song
This song, which also appears on Kenn's "Faith Project" CD compares the story of the Jesus' desciples as they panicked amidst the storm at sea, forgetting that Jesus is in control to how we often do the same thing in our lives.
Sometime the levy breaks and the problems flood my life
When all that I can see is misery and strife
The dark clouds hang over and I feel just like
A ship that's gone astray
When I can go on no longer, I drop to my knees and pray, saying
Dear Lord, You can do anything, you can calm the wildest seas
Yet the rudder is broken
I've lost my way, the waves carsh over me
All I ask for is one simple thing, give me strength to last the day
Let the winds be calm and make the storm go away
Sometimes it lasts for hours, sometimes it lasts for years
I know how the desciples felt, lost in all their fears
When the winds were large and the storm was raging
and you were fast asleep
Sometimes I don't understand and neither did they
The power that you keep
Then you admonished them
And you calmed the winds and the waters of the sea
And I remember you cando the same for me
Dear Lord, You can do anything, you can calm the wildest seas
Yet the rudder is broken
I've lost my way, the waves carsh over me
All I ask for is one simple thing, give me strength to last the day
Let the winds be calm and make the storm go away
Just as I near the rocks that would dash the ship to pieces
Your hand calms the wildest thrashing sea and the wind ceases
You ask me what I was afarid of, did I not have any faith
Did I not trust all along the hands the seas did make
Dear Lord, You can do anything, you can calm the wildest seas
I'm sorry, I forgot how much you love me
All you ask for is one simple thing, have faith for just one day
You can make the storm go away