Story Behind the Song
This was motivated by the stupid things Krytical has done, and was written in my house in about 10 minutes with a lil revising, and recorded in a couple minutes
You was begging to get back in our clique by trying to jack off my dick/ After your bitch, move you pulled when battling against, Teckniek/ When your bitchass was exposed by Contempt aka Syndrome/ That your only votes were kids with one post, which were your aliases/ Said your friends voted for you but the ips showed you’re a lying bitch/ I know you gonna say it, so before you do, I’ll quote it for thee/ “When I was in the crapper my friends went on my sn and voted for me”/ You was scared to even show your face at the Syndicate Rumble/ It must of just slipped your mind that you had a battle at the Tunnel/ I’m sick of your excuses the truth is you are no better than WuN was/ You the token white boy in a black crew, that gets made fun of/ Just cause the people you hang with on the curb say the N-Word/ You think you can say it?, you’ll never live the Street Life you can only play it/ In your freestyle battle with Neptune you got 24 votes against you/ So stop coming off the top and pick up a pencil/ If he never peeped my shit he would never have trashed his small lines and started to rap with multiz/ And made them capitalized, his style is all lies, even Boss said he trys to mirror mine/ So I switched my style up so people wouldn't think I bit you, and then, coincidentally, you did to!!!/ I haven't battled at open mic for a month and my rank is still ahead of your's/ I could go to Karate classes and see better boards/ When someone says, “fuck you” you flip them a quarter/ Like people from Florida, you can only win text battles on open mic cause they ain’t voting right/ At MS you’re 0 and 5 but there you’re 13-8 after you lost the last seven battles straight/ When I tricked you with that dick link you prolly started to ejaculate/ Every audio battle you’ve ever been in, you said cause of dickriding you wasn’t winning/ A 16-year-old that has beef with children-my lil bro's 11 years old and he told you off/ You a white punk rocking a skateboard shirt with a skull and cross/ Dude, that’s radical and you better duck, cause that killer surf’s up/ Lets stop getting personal with this suburban dude, everyone already sees in the herb in you/ So grab your board and lets surf a few, you listen to punk but think you can do urban too?/ You're so-fucking-dumb (sofa kingdom) like an empire of couches/ You're nothin more than our-son like setting fires to houses/ Like the con that raped Pac, you're fucked till the crack of don/ You so ugly, when you was born, the doctor slapped your mom/ I'm dropping ocean charges so I shit fee-seas on you like laxatives/ I detroy challengers like Nasa accidents