Story Behind the Song
I have composed this song for my girlfriend Klara when she was out of country for a stay in America during three months. As we had just come together shortly before she left, this separation was really hard for me. Writing this song, was the only way to help me get over the emotional crisis this separation had caused. Even if it causes a style-break when you compare this song to the others I have written, this song is the most important song to me, for it expresses my sincere emotions towards Klara, the one and only.
Wandering and drifting apart,
as far away as you are
left alone in my temple the spirit has gone, leaving behind but a scar
Placed on my chest, crossing my heart,
no doctor to soothe my pain
but as long you are mine at least in my thoughts,
I don't mind standing in the rain
But what washes away this bitterness
and keeps me an' my love alive
is the thought of your long-awaited return, yearning for the day you arrive
I'll hold you tight when a teardrop falls, but it won't be one of despair
eternally happy seeing your smile and stroking your beautiful long hair
Mmh, mmh, mmh …
Some days are better, some days are worse, but today is the worst of all
the brightest sky seems darker than dull,
no power in my mind to break the wall
But what washes away this bitterness
and keeps me an' my love alive
is the thought of your long-awaited return, yearning for the day you arrive
I'll hold you tight when a teardrop falls, but it won't be one of despair
eternally happy seeing your smile and stroking your beautiful long hair
Mmh, mmh, mmh …