I was driving along I- 70,
Listening to a local Dee Jay
About how when Ole’ Olley North
Was asked by a liberal Sen-a-tor.
“Why’d you have a $60,000
security system put into your home?
“Because,” said the hero Ollie,
“I’ve know the most evil man in the world.”
Well I been thinking about it
for such a long, long time.
If everybody’s lying,
Everyone must be blind.
“Oh, who is this evil one, asked the Liberal Sen-a-tor.
“Osama Bin Ladin,” replied the hero Ollie.
“My my,” said the talk show sidekick.
Osama oh so long ago
But the deejay saved the punch line
Do you know who that senator was”
No I don’t said the sidekick
“It was Sen-a-tor Al Gore,”.
“Sen-a-tor Al Gore
Well the story seemed a lie to me
So I checked it out on Google
And at this place called truth or fiction
Even Ollie said it wasn’t true.
Now the deejay ain’t no bad man
He’s just trying to get through
Reading whatever they hand him,
He don’t know what he’s doing.
But I have a simple question
if the deejay in the morning
reads lies to us on his talk show
who the hell can you trust.
Well I been thinking about it
for such a long long time.
If every body is lying,
Everyone must be blind.
Everyone is lying
Everyone is lying
There is that clear enough for