Story Behind the Song
MERRY CHRISTMAS, MAMA is from a yet to be completed musical about the life of Harriet Tubman. The story behind this song - Harriet is leaving the plantation where she was a slave, and stealing her two brothers North on the Underground Railroad. This song is sung to their Mother on Christmas Day as they hide outside her cabin waiting for night to fall and bring their chance to escape.
Merry Christmas, dear Mama
I'm standin' right here
So close on this Christmas day
And if you knew, Mama
You'd shed a tear, Mama
For I'm goin' far away
A greater voice beckons me
Far from your side
So I'll be leavin' you
On this yuletide
Don't be sad, Mama
Mama, please don't cry
Merry Christmas, Mama, good-bye
The snow started falling
So silent and deep, on that,
The first Christmas night
Both angel and shepherd
Had vigil to keep
'Neath Bethlehem's star burning bright
Like God gave the Wise-men
That bright shining star
Heaven will guide me
No matter how far
So don't be sad, Mama
Mama, please don't cry
Merry Christmas, Mama, good-bye
The whole world's rejoicing
A saviour is born
How I wish I could stay with you
This Christmas morn
But the time for leavin'
Is drawing nigh
Merry Christmas, Mama
I'll be back for you dear Mama
Merry Christmas, Mama -----------
Lyrics - copyright 2002 by Catherine Bush