Story Behind the Song
Downsizing, money grabbing, scam artist, telemarketing, corporate crime, political kick backs, pay offs and mean people in general finally got to me.
Everybody wants what you have and is willing to take it from you. It is called a human race. Let's start it from the same place.
This took over a year to put in it's final form. The arrangement just didn't feel right until we made the final edits.
Amazingly enough, the very rough scratch vocal track in the first recording was the keeper that holds the song together.
“Cut the Fat” 1995
In America:
Everybody wants the same thing,
To get as much as you can.
And when it won’t come to you,
Take it from the other man.
Doctors hold your life in their hands,
And NOTHING comes for free.
Truth and justice really is for all:
IF you pay the highest fee.
Child experts have no children.
Preachers sell Heaven when you die.
Everybody wants to “cut the fat”
But don’t take a piece of my pie!
Everyone’s looking
For the short term,
The fast pay-off,
The quick turn-over.
Maybe, by the time it’s gone,
Somebody will understand.
“Cut The Fat”, oh “Cut The Fat”
“politicians cut the funding”
“Cut The Fat”, oh “Cut The Fat”
“yeah, for lunches in the inner city schools”
“Cut The Fat”, oh “Cut The Fat”
“moving operations overseas”
“Cut The Fat”, oh “Cut The Fat”
“they do whatever they please”
Everyone’s a member of the human race.
Let’s give them all a chance to run,
But let’s start it in the same place!
In my neighborhood:
Everybody wants the same thing,
To get as much as you can.
And when it won’t come to you,
Take it from the other man.
Child experts have no children.
They wouldn’t know how if they tried.
Sermons of sex and sins of the flesh
From preachers who sell you heaven when you die.
The Earth you have
Is filled with resources.
Can’t take it with you;
So BURN it when you die.
Written and performed by Michael and Ellen Kennedy and family
They wouldn’t know how if they tried.