Story Behind the Song
There was a lot of things on my mind when I recited this songs. It was a freestyle that I recorded and later did adlibs to to make it sound like a written song.
Bardon me lady, don't mind me if I seem crazy, but things been going wrong ever since I was a baby, premature - even then I couldn't wait, to see what I was missing - which wasn't much but anyway, I wish this world was physically blind - so you can see what I see, the earth's pain - 'cause some game for power monopoly, in other words - being the planet's sole controler, wanting to rule it all - but the root of all evil shoulders, are the powers that be - whatever they want it to be, something suttle but simple like I-O-U sheets - money, You the money lenders to money pretenders, the so-called wanna-be balla's and the so-called big spenders, it's no coincidence on what happen on nine-eleven, I guess that's why my woman's cousin had to go to heaven, females - making a bad decision trying to live, hurting their men - because they can't protect their wiz, meaning their other half - futures are dying, mother's are crying 'cause innocent slain brothers are lying, dead in a ditch from crooked cops but the world stay blinded, mentally but I wished physically - now I see how it, gets flipped and covered up like Kennedy's enemies done, the same thing happened to Mr. King-Bruce Lee-and Malcolm, I say "Ah-so-lam-ma-lay-com" which is a greeting, others say "fuck you, I hate him 'cause we got families grieving, it's a looney tune world without the messages and humor, people trying to be the creator but creating tumors, meaning headaches of problems but there is no solution, if you and your other half can't work through this, troublesome times, question - why am I spittin' this rhyme, when you ain't paying no attention to me anyway - I'm, out before I go and you hear the, hook - write down ORGENA in capitol letters - read it in a mirror "I wish this world was physically blind so you can see what I see" (maybe you'll see what Bob Marley seen) "I wish this world was physically blind so you can see what I see" (Or maybe you'll see what Stevie Wonder seen)