Story Behind the Song
During our adolescent life, nothing brought us more joy than picking up the mail and finding our favorite catolouge(this is still true today).
When I was just 12 years old, mom asked if I had seen Victoria, if I had seen Victoria's secret, I said I didn't but I really did. I had her stashed away, where mom and dad would never ever find her, some under my mattress and a stack in my sock drawer. Said I didn't but I really did ect.
She was there for me when I was so young. She was there for me before the T-1 line. She was there for me when I got home from school, I'd pick her up, have a look, mom comes home so I pretend to read a book.
Victoria, Victoria, I know Victoria's secret.
About every other week, my collection got even bigger, my parents would ask if I used them like Playboy, said I didn't but I DID. Some nights she would fill my dreams with Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum and Elle Macpherson, in the morning I'd wake and my sheets would be soggy. Said I didn't but I really did, Said I didn't but I really did. Said, I didn't but I really...
She was there for me in silky panties. She was there for me in see through Angel Bras, she was there for me, buy one get one free. I knock one out to thee. Still today I feel the same, a year ago they started comming in my name. Victoria, Victoria, I like your Holiday issue.
Victoria, Victoria, it sucks they airbrush your nipples, and your crotch hair too.
Victoria I love you.