Story Behind the Song
The song was written after we sang at the Gospel Light Freewill Baptist Church in Beauty, KY. Many of the words in the song were part of a testimony given during the service. Paul wrote the song that night. Bread of Life was recorded at Horizon Studios in Asheville, North Carolina in November and December of 1994.
Verse 1
The church has something no one else has,
You know the world cannot offer
Salvation's Plan.
For it was freely given,
A long time ago,
A sacrifice at Calvary,
From the tomb He arose.
He's the Bread of Life,
My Father, my Friend,
He's the Fountain of Life
That springs up from within.
He is Life eternal,
There is no end.
With Jesus you'll never
Hunger nor thirst again.
Verse 2
Today is the day of Salvation my friend,
Christ had to die to free you from sin.
It doesn't matter how old
Or young you might be,
See Jesus said whosoever will,
Let them come unto me.