Story Behind the Song
A haunting song, it just kept circling in my head until I learned it...
Devil’s Courtship w/verses by CMcHugh: 1,2,7
There once was a fair young maid,
And from the path she never strayed,
Till there came along a fine young man,
There came a fine young man.
He stopped her on her way,
Late upon a summer’s day,
“Will ye no come wi’ me, m’dear,
Will ye no come wi’ me?”
“I’ll buy you a silken gown,
Wi’ nine stripes up & nine stripes doon,
If ye will come wi’ me, m’dear,
If ye will come wi’ me.”
Well keep your silken gown,
Wi’ it’s nine stripes up & nine stripes doon,
For I’ll never gae wi’ ye, m’dear,
I’ll never gae wi’ ye.”
“I’ll give ye a strong lockbox,
Three times opened, three times locked,
If ye will come wi’ me, m’dear,
If ye will come wi’ me.”
Well keep your strong lockbox,
Three times opened, three times locked,
For I’ll never gae wi’ ye, m’dear,
I’ll never gae wi’ ye.”
“A bairn wi’ hair of gold,
To comfort you when you are old,
If ye will come wi’ me, m’dear,
If ye will come wi’ me.”
“These are fine words you say,
Sae fine at last ye’ve won the day,
Now I will gae wi’ you, m’dear,
Now I will gae wi’ you.”
But as she mounted up,
‘Twas then she spied his cloven hoof,
“I wilna gae wi’ you,” she cried,
“I wilna gae wi’ you.”
“Alas, it is too late,
For your words hae sealed your fate,
Now ye maun gae wi’ me, fair maid,
Now ye maun gae wi’ me.”
And as they were gallopin’ along,
The cold wind carried a mournful song,
She’s gone away forever,
Forever gone away…