Story Behind the Song
Written in 1993. Part 1: Household of one. "When will I find someone meant for me. I wonder what she will be like."
Part 2: Two of us soon will be three. "I'm gonna be a Daddy. I wonder what he (or she) will be like."
"Hello, Dad and Mom. I just thought I'd call home,
'Cause I'm bored here and lonely," he said.
"And it's just not much fun in my household of one.
Wish that I could find a gal I could wed.
And he said.
"I'm lookin' for a lover -- can't find her.
Only thinkin' of her -- can't find her.
Lookin' for a sweetheart to share my dream.
Lookin' for the right one,
A pretty and a bright one.
Somewhere there's someone who's meant for me.
I wonder if her eyes will be blue as the skies.
I wonder if her curls are dark or gold.
And will she really like to do the same things that I like to do?
Will she be a joy for me to hold?
I wonder if she'll like to wake up early,
Or sleep 'til noon and stay up very late.
I wonder if she might be wondering about me;
I wonder just how long I'll have to wait."
And Mom said:
"Son...I'm sure she'll find you.
She'll be wonderful, I don't have to remind you.
Lightning and thunder, enjoy the wonder,
Because the wonder is the better part of life.
When you take a wife, my son, you'll see that she's the only one
who'll love you just as much as we do.
Be careful when you choose a mate; the right one will be worth the wait.
Take care of her, and she'll take care of you.
When you find a new love,
And you're wondering if she might be a true love,
Lightning and thunder, enjoy the wonder,
Because the wonder is the better part of life.
"Hello, Dad and Mom. I just thought I'd call home,
'Cause we're feeling so happy," said he.
And there's so much to do in our household of two,
'Cause the two of us soon will be three."
And he said:
"I'm gonna be a Daddy -- we did it.
I'm gonna be a Daddy -- she said it.
You're gonna have a grandchild -- I'd like to sing.
This'll be a right one,
A pretty and a bright one.
Because I'm gonna be a Daddy in the spring.
I wonder if his eyes will be blue as the skies.
I wonder if his curls are dark or gold.
And will he really like to do the same things that we like to do?
Will he be a joy for us to hold?
I wonder if he'll like to wake up early,
Or sleep 'til noon and stay up very late.
I wonder if he . . . might be a she?
That's all right with me, but I can hardly wait."
And Dad said:
"Son. . . you'll be a Dad now.
And you're wondering if that is good or bad now.
Lightning and thunder, enjoy the wonder.
Because the wonder is the better part of life.
When you have a son,you'll see, you've finally reached maturity.
You can't be a child anymore.
Grown up is what you've got to be, and take responsibility,
But it's still wonderful just like before.
When you start a new life,
Whether with a brand new baby or a new wife,
Lightning and thunder, enjoy the wonder,
Because the wonder is the better part of life.
Oh, yes, the wonder is the better part of life;
So go out and have a wonderful life.