Story Behind the Song
This song is about a witnessing experience I had with a prostitute. As I walked down the street with her, I told her about the love that Jesus had for her, I then invited her to eat lunch with me, she promptly conveyed to me that I was ruining her business by walking with her......oh well, I did what I was led to do, and who knows if she isn't free today because of that experience.
You see her walkin the streets late at night; That's how she makes her livin, but she knows she's not livin right;
Sometimes she thinks back to the way, the way it used to be; It was a long time ago when things weren't so bad,
no they weren't so bad; She had a family and friends and all of that, all of that yeah; But somewhere along the line
she took a wrong turn, now she just can't get back, no, she can't get back... With Jesus, we are the light that cuts
through her night ! Oh with Jesus, we are the light that cuts through her night! We've got to show her the way off
this lonely street tonight. All her days are filled wit h darkness and she feels so unworthy, cause of what she's done;
And "Jesus loves you" just won't do when you're cold and hungry, cold and hungry, but maybe she'd listen if we walk,
If we walk with her show her that "God did not forget you, you are still so precious in His sight! Just come
as you are! Jesus will forgive you, everything you've ever done, you don't have to walk alone on this lonely, this
lonely street tonight!" With Jesus, we are the light that cuts through her night ! Oh with Jesus, we are the light that
cuts through her night! We've got to show her the way, oh Jesus is the way, Jesus is the only way off this lonely
street tonight!&