Your lyrics a catastrophy, broken down, shitty words//
I'm usin your weakness like i pull nouns wit terms//
This ah catastrophy like september 11th//
But you wont become strong cuz i hit wit a plus 11//(add 11 and 11)
Beef or no beef, if you tried to spit mah shit, id be too heavy for you to speak//
You see, im not you, you m ight wanna be me//
Ur lyrics r "fallen" apart, no wonder ur soft at heart, another alicia keys//
Call me a bully, i'm pickin on a shit talkin newbie//
You couldn't get on mah level even if u come up on elevators//
Mah stylez an esclator, always going up//
If you can't reply to this battle, well lets say it togheter...YOUR FUCKED//