And it happened the way it happens, the way it happens in the movies
And it happened the way it never seems to happen in reality
In the Barnes & Noble at Union Square, this love-at-first-sight love affair
Browsing through the children's section, they made a love connection
And she said, "Hi, my name is Katherine"
(But there was no reply)
And she said, "Hi, my name is Katherine"
(And she wondered why)
And she said, "Hi, my name is Katherine"
(He didn't say a word)
And she said, "Hi, my name is Katherine"
(Which seemed completely absurd)
They started talking over coffee
They started talking the way that people do
He asked her, "What's your favorite book?" She said, "Sister Wendy's Thousand Masterpieces" and that is when he knew
He knew right then and there in the Starbucks at Union Square
That they were meant to be and they would live ever after happily
And he didn't try to impress her by fawning over her dog Frank like other men would do
And he even confessed that he was obsessed with comic books and that is when she knew
That they'd be happy, so very happy, but they never thought that they would grow so close so soon
And after 9-11 they said, "Hey, life's too short. I wanna spend mine with you. Let's skip to the honeymoon."
So, they got married, yeah
No, no, no, not in Union Square
They don't always agree and they don't always like the same movies
But they love each other which is all that really matters
And he said, "Hi, my name is Michael"
©2002 Marianne Pillsbury/Rent-A-Songwriter (TM)