Story Behind the Song
Q: What was the motivation for the song? To inspire and motivate me in getting up off my a-- and get back with life.....Q: Where was the song written: In a quiet, solitary room after fighting the urge to get drunk and go to bed.....Q: How Long did it take to write it: Words and Music combined, the whole evening.....Q: How Long to Record: Considering it a Demo, it took about an hour and a half to get it the way I wanted it......Q: How many takes.....Can't say, I am a perfectionist, it took awhile to get it right
I reach to hold you,
But you, turn away
How can I help you,
If you don't give me, the time of day
I feel your anger,
Hidden within your pain
How can you see sunshine
If all you see, is the rain
Life ain't all roses
There's thorns, along the way
Just remember there's a rainbow
After the storm has blown away
I know its frustrating
Making it, day by day
But giving up ain't no answer
There's got be another way