Story Behind the Song
Tear, weeping: Crying, whispers in the night, the sound of singing from inside your radiator. In heaven, everything is fine.
Tear, torn: Her face in the mirror, the empty phone line, the cold eyes. Video...
We wrote this song in tribute to a life that could never exist in this world or any other: a human being without any lungs, heart, face or, indeed, body. It was a cold day in the mountain shack and the only warmth to be gleaned was from a tiny sack of Glenn Michaels in the corner. Each of us chose a word in order and it became the new song: 'Granny... Fat... Mouse... Fridge'. But this was soon shortened to 'Tear'.
Where have you gone with my life?
Tear me down
Where have you gone?
Just tear me down, pull me down,
Tear my dreams, tear me down,
Tear my hopes,
Just tear me down, tear me...
My hands, seem so real,
Tear me down,
Hurt me now