Story Behind the Song
Its about people. It really didn't take that long to record it, and really.. we are still waiting to put down another part(i think.)
on a mission, self proclamation, a cure for humanity. an injection so sweet the blood fights from within to kill the hate. you've pushed me, the knife in hand, cut the strings and let me fall. i wish i could taste the life, please let me feel this inside, what has been raped from me. no use to cry now, fight back, you know deep inside whats right, throw down the flies
if you'd wake up you'd see that your just a wind up toy walking away from yourself. open up to see these drugs, you are deteriorating in front of me. hold your head up look away from what you've been told to see and you will find you're just another insignificant life left to be set free
no longer a vision of how things might be, just an image of life fading, eroding from me. just another dream set aside in the wind to fly from me, from humanity
a broken wing is just one step away from reality, you've made no attempt to leave. and you drown in dreams, fall asleep in the lies, to help forget the memories. foget your past, forget your identity and grow to fit what you've been told to be. you cant kill us, here to destroy society's dream, hide in the lies open up to see what hides inside
just close your eyes and think of what the world may be without. spread your wings, you're an angel, fly away from me
and you drown in dreams, fall asleep to feel the lies
to help forget what you've left in your memories
you are my angel fly away from me