Story Behind the Song
Rat Like Me is either an homage to or an indictment of Hamper's lengthy shoprat lineage. Since neither of his grandfathers dug rocknroll, it's probably the latter.
Daddy did three dozen on the screwball train, there's a jar on the mantle -- an olive pit brain, Grandpa did 40 saw the sitdown strike, we drink Blue Ribbon, we're a lot alike... chorus: Rat Rat Rat, Rat like me, they're all Rats like me... Wilbur lost his teeth one night in the pit when the track took a jump & the oil pan bit, Tommy lost a finger in a sheet metal goof, they fed it to the pigeons on the north unit roof... (chorus)... There's a picnic bench near a coffee machine where the boys suck on peanuts & nicotine, if you listen every night you'll hear the same old line, my bills are all paid but I'm losin' my mind... (2x chorus)