Story Behind the Song
We decided to drop a song we had picked out for the CD and didn't feel anything we had fit there. On the way to practice I was singing in the Spirit and drumming on the steering wheel when the words just began to flow. I ran in and sang it to the group and they picked it up and ran with it, this one just dropped into place full grown!
The Reckoning
Rene' Guggisberg © 1999 by author
Hold on, hold on... Don’t lose hope when the battle rages;
Hold on, hold on...
Keep your eyes on the King of Ages.
He’s already written the end of the story,
He’s coming again on the clouds of glory,
His children will end up on the mercy seat,
His enemies will be underneath His feet!
I’m running through the dark
just to see my Jesus,
Singing through the battle
for the joy that lies ahead,
He’s a God of honor; He’s a God of power
And He will do everything He said!
He will do everything He said...
He’ll heal the sick and deliver the captive,
He’ll break the chain that’s around your heart,
His enemies will run, but they’ll find no cover
When the King of Glory tears the sky apart!