Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song after seeing Kevin Costner in a store with his son. I wanted to say "Hi" to him, but I was there with a guy; So, I wrote a song about it. I went home and wrote the song on the spot, and recorded it at Vince's house, who had worked for me before. His bass line MAKES the song! The guitar and lead vocal were done in one pass each on two tracks. I went back and overdubbed the harmony/doubled vocals. There are no drums, and I had no click-track to play to, so the rhythm is uh, unique.
Kevin Costner By: Barb E. Dahl BMI
If you wanna get somebody’s attention
I think a song is a pretty good bet
It’s surely worth a mention
and you ain’t heard nothin’ yet!
Kevin Costner:
Is a name I can’t forget
Seen him on the Internet
Does he have a private jet?
I’m writing this song, it’s not taking me long
For a man I’ve never met
I was takin’ a lunch break
and I walked around the corner
I was thinkin’ about frozen yogurt
when I walked into a store there
I thought I saw a vision
and I came all undone
It looked like Kevin Costner
buying sunglasses for his son!
2. Kevin Costner:
Seen him in a magazine
In a still from FIELD OF DREAMS
Baseball cap and tight blue jeans
I bring you this verse, you’re hearing it first
from a woman you’ve never seen!
I was sure that he was lookin’ at me
So I put some lipstick on
but when I turned to smile at him
Damn! He was gone!
The moral of this story,
and there really isn’t one
if you see Kevin on the street
Girl, don’t hold your tongue
Cuz you might not get the chance again
in this lifetime, anyway
and if I could do it over
this is what I’d say:
Kevin Costner:
I wish he were my BODYGUARD
I wouldn’t make his life too hard
He can put his stadium in my yard
and I have no doubt, even with NO WAY OUT,
TIN CUP has upped his par
Seen him on the Oprah show, pluggin’
FOR LOVE OF THE GAME doncha know
He makes me want to FANDANGO
I saw WYATT EARP, and for what it is worth
those movie critics blow!
Chorus Out.