Story Behind the Song
A tribute to the victims of September 11, on which we have been working for many months. Some of you have known about our efforts since the beginning and have seen several stages of the creative process. We are very pleased that it is now ready to share with the rest of the world.
Creating this piece of music has been a truly edifying and uplifting labor of love. The experience has made us even more grateful for the precious gift of life and mindful of our deep responsibility to nurture it. By way of background, the final words and music flowed from the simple impulse to describe the event with as much reverence and respect as possible and then to pay tribute, in a dignified and inspiring manner, to all those who gave their lives that tragic day. We hope you feel we have accomplished that aim.
We are greatly indebted to the many talented people who have contributed to the final product. The greatest joy from this type of activity comes from collaborating with those of like mind, spirit and energy. For anyone needing information on how to cover or perform the song, please contact:
Daniel Indart at Indart Music Publishing
or Henry S. Olguin at Into Creative
You will be pleased to know that if the song gains any significant popularity, half of the proceeds will go to a scholarship fund for the children of the victims.
May Fallen Soldiers help us all to remember, to honor and, hopefully, to heal.
Hank and Danny
Words: Henry S. Olguin
Music: Daniel Indart & Henry S. Olguin
We sing this song to tell a tale
Of lives caught in the battleās flame,
Who, though they never wished to fight,
Are fallen soldiers just the same.
The bright and sun-filled morning broke.
The day held promises untold.
For lives immersed in innocence,
An unforeseen day would unfold.
They went about their daily rites,
Including tender, warm good-byes.
They moved ahead with hopes and dreams,
Looked to the dawn with trusting eyes.
And as their duties filled the hours,
A hungry beast, depraved and mean,
Laid plots to shatter harmony
In hidden shadows, ways obscene.
The fiery strikes fell from the sky
Through missiles steered by savage hate,
In flashes far beyond our grasp,
At souls we cannot calculate.
No, they never wanted guns or war,
Believing peace should be our aim.
Yet, they are fallen soldiers still
Whose sacrifices we proclaim.
Chorus So to these fallen soldiers all,
We offer gratitude and love.
We pray our heroes to their rest,
Entrust their spirits to the dove.
Bridge Now lift our voices without fear
For fallen soldiers we revere.
(Repeat Chorus)
P & © 2002 LMS Records.
Indart Music Publishing (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
Printed in U.S.A.