Story Behind the Song
The lyrics are about a person who leaves land for a better life, but still hears the haunting cries from land in his headphones.
The tune is inspired partly by the life of Herman Melville (who wasn't a radioman, but was a wanderer) and partly by a documentary on a radioman in the early 1900s who stayed awake for several days to help navigate his ship to safety. I recorded the song about two years later at Jackpot Recording Studio in Portland, OR. I think the drums and guitar were recorded in one take. I recorded the vocal in darkness, just to get the pensive feel.
The lyrics are about a person who leaves land for a better life, but still hears the haunting cries from land in his headphones.ë
I was tired of living on the land, and hearing people's problems. So I moved to a ship, I sailed far away, away on the radio waves.
I'm relaying every mayday, I hear them in my headphones... the cries and the fears, the laughter and the tears, from miles and miles away they sound so clear.
I'm the Radioman, I'm in charge of communications on this ship... and I might go down, or I might survive another trip.
I'm the Radioman, I'm in charge of communications on this ship... on the ship to shore, on the tel egraph, on the radio just to see the safety of this craft.
I stay awake all night to guide them -- the rescue operation, in a terrible storm. We plot a rescue course by starlight, to reach the ship by twilight.
But something isn't right, though our head ing's modified, the mayday signal's coming from all sides...
I'm the Radioman, I'm in charge of communications on this ship... and I might go down, or I might survive another trip.
I'm the Radioman, I'm in charge of communications and I call... on the sh ip to shore, on the telegraph, on the radio singing na na na na na na na na naaaah