I remember the first time I saw this place.
I fealt alone, without a friend.
You reach out your hand, and talk to me.
We became friends for all eternity
Then one day we moved away,
back to the world, my whole life changed.
20 years later,a familiar voice is on my line. All of of sudden I'm taken back in time.
Time stood still when I first saw you.
Time has been kind to your pretty face.
Time rewind when I talk to you
Now I just can't wait til reunion day.
I remember when we parited all day in the park.
I over did it, you let me crash at your place. I woke up later with a huge hangover, but I was so happy to see your lovely face.
20 years later, you still look the same.
Glad to hear you doing so well.
But I'm not surprise, I knew you could do it all. You could make heaven right in the mist of hell.
So I got my bags packed,
and I can't wait to be there.
Cause I get to see so many friends that I haven't seen in years.
And when we get together,
we talk about the who, why, what, and when.
As my memory starts to fade, I'll never forget the faces of my friends.
Deb, Lynn, and Courtney can't wait to see you. We'll talk about the old days, and what you're going thru.
Mel & Bill, you still look the same. Mel's got that figure and Bill was the manager of our team.
Hey there Shaggy, I see you and Genie too, Now you're both working for the Red ,white , & the blue.
Jonie B we use to party way back then, and now you a voice of AFN
Hey Viola, you still got that smile, the one from your picture that drove all us young boys wild.
Hey Miss Julie, you seem me at my worse, one day I knew you would become a nurse.
Hey Ninie, my long lost friend, now that I've found ya. We'll stay together until the end.