Story Behind the Song
Man, we suck. This thing took like three and a half hours. That's way too long for anything that we produce. It sounds better without the vocalists and guitars, too. But you'll never really know that, now will you?
chorus: We don't know what we're doing, but we've got instruments in our hands. We can't use them to make music, and yet we call ourselves a band.
I'm sitting here in back of drums, with drumsticks on the snare. I think I'm supposed to pick them up, but I really don't care!
I play rhythm guitar, but I wouldn't go so far, as to be sayin' that my playin' has any rhythm. The guys all rock away, and I listen and I play, but I'm never sure if I am playing with 'em.
This bass is big, it's got four strings, it's plugged into an amp. I like to kick it with my foot, and declare the noise a vamp.
They say the way we play would be better if it were quiet. The way I play my gui-tar starts an aweful lot of riots.
I am the lead singer, I shout at this thinger, I'm pretty sure it's called a microphone. They say I'm just a joker, don't even count as mediochre, at least until I get into my zone.
Yo, I'm the dj, I've got the grooves; I scratch like a maniac. But my boyz don't seem to love me, they always shove me way in back.