Story Behind the Song
what if there were no blues? would the world be a better place?=
i'll tell you all a story that never made the news
it's about a man whose plan it was to kill the blues
the songs were so depressing & he didn't like to cry
so it was his opinion that the blues must die
he'd bust it like a junkie, maybe hang it like a con
spank it like a monkey
he'd go to mississippi where he'd heard the blues was born
down around the delta in the early morn
where he'll hear the blues a howlin'…callin' out his name
& for a minute, he'll forget about the reason that he came
'cause it hits him like a speedball & he digs it like a grave
he kinda likes the one about a man betrayed
but then he drops it like a habit…burns it like a stump
shoots it like a rat down at the city dump
goodbye stormy monday…there'll be brighter days ahead
the world wakes up to find out that the blues is dead
harmonicas go silent…several guitar licks are banned
universal happiness is finally at hand
suddenly musicians find they cannot piss & moan
they take to playin' poker once the blues is gone
now, in washington (the city), the president proclaims
a law against self-pity…& personal complainin'
soldiers drop their weapons & bombs are all defused
every man's a brother once there's no more blues
childrens mind their parents & husbands love their wives
the families come together for a perfect life
unemployment plunges…jubilation reigns
blessed is a world that doesn't wallow in its pain
now, you'll always have your skeptics, your crackpots & your kooks
who'll tell you that the blues can actually be quite therapeutic
that they're more than just a bad dream…more than just a curse
they may not be up-lifting, but the consequence is worse
they'll tell you how it's dangerous to hold it all inside
how some folks got a place to run, but no place they can hide
you got a right to cry for mercy when you're lost & all alone
from timbuktu to jersey, baby, the blues will bring you home
he knew that all these changes wouldn't take place overnight
& worried what might happen should the skeptical be right
he was smart enough to realize his plan was fairly flawed, what with
most the people worshipping a vengeful god
who would make them kneel before him & then kick 'em while they're down
where're they gonna turn if there's no blues around
see, we all are god's step-children…we all are his disgrace
as long as there's this misery, then we might as well embrace it
yeah, we might as well embrace it
don't kill the blues
don't kill the blues, boy