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    "Hey Beach"  Parental Advisorygenre: Folk
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    Unreleased version of this acoustic Cranklabs song! A complete version of this song will exist on "Just in time for Christmas"
    Credits: Guitar/concept - Steven Snyder, Bass/vocals/concept - Anthony Cardott

    Story Behind the Song
    What if the beach just disappeared?

    Uhhh... The whole season's shot
    I packed my bags, I quit my stupid job (I used to work in a field)
    I used to pick berries all day till my back hurt
    Couldn't sit down or anything for the thorns in my fuckin ass
    And so I packed all my bags and I headed out for the beach
    I was driving down the highway
    I had to stop at a few stop signs, other than that I was pretty good,
    So anyway I'm getting by the bay side highway so I y'know turn right
    And there's the exit. then I'm on the bay side highway and I can see
    This big rows of trees and I'm thinking well beyond that row of trees
    There must be the beach with all the water and all the sunbathers
    The sunbathers are the prettiest thing in the world if you ask me
    I always just wanted to go and be with them because they're always Looking so happy and y'know, they just look like they're having a great Time sipping the little things with the little umbrellas y'know, they Got big electric devices out there just running off the sunlight I Guess, just have a big rock and roll concert just sitting there with Acoustic guitars. so I figure I should stop at this place the music Shop and I got some bongos and y'know, so I'm playing my bongos while I'm trying to put a tape in the machine and just kinda driving y'know, I'm getting there.
    SO, I'm going to the beach and uh I park at the uh cliffside by the Beach, and i'm looking out and ... and it's not there! I don't get It...uh...the beach is just ... gone. Where the hell is the beach? Where did it go? just ruined my whole day, the water's not there, The sand's not there and uh- I don't know- I don't- fuck! I don't get It! starting to get kind of pissed about it. so that's how it was I just- the beach is- it's just- it's gone.

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