Story Behind the Song
The Psalmist sought refreshment from the daily, wearying struggles of life in the very presence of God. The Bible was indeed written a long time ago, but the 21st century can be just as dry, just as wearying. See if this song doesn't "feel" like your own experience.
I'm like a dry and weary land
Where cooling waters run no more
My soul and body long to know
The only God whose love is pure
Oh let me see your glory, LORD,
Let me know Your power and might.
Your love is more than life to me,
You satisfy the thirsting of my soul!
O God, my God, I will rejoice
From this dry land I lift my voice
You draw me close beneath your wing
And in Your shadow, LORD, I'll sing.
I lift my hands in praise to You,
My weary lips will thank my King.
My soul will feast upon Your Word,
And in Your shadow, LORD, I'll sing,
LORD, I'll sing!
O God, my God, I will rejoice
From this dry land I lift my voice
You draw me close beneath your wing
And in Your shadow, LORD, I'll sing.