Story Behind the Song
The title 5:30am refers to the time of night when my girlfriend would wake up with the worries of the world buzzing round her head.
It's a surreal time of night to discuss the future and the past.
The backing evolved through many many months of fiddling until I could stand it no more.
This is probably one of the most complexed studio based songs I've ever done.
The time when your not around,
I draw you pictures in the ground,
Knowing the tides will erase,
The pictures of you before you come in view,
Like a track in the dark,
Overgrown by the bark,
The fresh limbs hanging over you,
Keep the rain from out of view,
You look up from the ground,
When disturbed by the sound all around,
And the leaves upset of their dew,
Painting water pictures of you,
And the last rays of light,
Hurries off in feined surprise,
That the night has come to an end,
And daylight is just around the bend.
You look up from the ground,
Disturbed by the sounds all around.
But the tricks that you play on me,
When the 5 o’clock worries some alive.