Story Behind the Song
Vaghti which literally means -when- is the moment when you come to the understanding of what love really means.
az tow so-ál mikardam, kay cheshmeh eshgh beh man báz misheh
mesleh gheseyeh laily, delam mesleh majnun misheh
gofty bebin azizam, in matlabeh besyár amigheh
ruzi keh faghat khubi bebini, bedun keh vaghteh eshgh resideh
hala keh cheshmeh eshgh be man báz shodeh
hala keh cheshmeh man ham beh eshgh báz shodeh
vaghti keh tow mifahmi, náráhati árámesh mibineh
solh shadi o garmi, beh jáyeh jangeh sard miáyeh
vaghti keh tow mifahmi, ehsáseh tanháii nadári
vaghti keh mibini, chizi beh in khubi nemisheh
I was asking you when will love cast it’s eye on me, like the story of laily, my heart would feel as Majnun did. You said my dear, this is a deep topic, the day that you only see good, you’ll know the time for love has arrived.
Now that my eye has been opened to love
Now that my eye has been opened to love
When you understand, sadness sees serenity
Peace, joy, warmth replaces the coldest wars
When you understand, you will no longer feel lonely
When you see that nothing can be this wonderful