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    "Look What the City's Done"  Parental Advisorygenre: General Blues
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    The concept is a young man writing a letter home to his mother and telling her how he hates what he has become but can never be what he was again.
    Credits: Written and Performed by James Michael Shaw. Recorded at The Disc, Ltd., Detroit, MI.

    Story Behind the Song
    When I was 22, I moved from Detroit to Miami. Everyone I ever knew was from Detroit. I knew no one in Miami. I was terrified.

    I knew I had to go. I didn't belong in Detroit. I had let to learn that I wouldn't belong in Miami, either. In the meantime, I tried to express my fear of leaving everything I knew for something I didn't know by writing a song about the worst case scenario...what I feared I would become. It didn't turn out like this, so maybe it worked.

    Mama, it's all right here
    I'm living on the second floor
    They got an RC Cola machine downstairs
    For just fifty cents

    Yeah, I know it's lonely here
    But I know the folks down at the grocery store
    And there's this little bar just east of here where all my money's earned and spent

    Got myself a girlfriend
    She dances down at 'Ritchie Rich's'
    And guys pull out their wallets just to pretend she isn't mine
    She says she'll buy me a Cadillac
    Just as soon as she gets rich
    And she's working hard to get there
    Fifty dollars at a time

    And I met this little black boy
    With an earring in his nose
    And he taught me how to do all the things every faggot boy should do
    The other night, we heard this girl screaming 'No. Please, Daddy. No.'
    So I turned up my TV.
    It sounded like everyone else did, too.

    And every night I hear the ocean stealing more sand from the beach.
    It grain by grain gets sucked away and swallowed by the sea.
    And the sun shines bright on the things that no mortal man should see
    Mama, look what the city's done to a country boy like me.

    Mama, I know I should come home, but somehow I just want to stay.
    The cigarettes are cheaper here...only two dollars for a pack.
    Like that sand that I was just telling you about that always seems to get washed away.
    It don't ever come home again, and that's why I can't come back.

    I think I'm gonna buy me a rabbit.
    I'm gonna get him a little cage.
    And together we'll watch daytime TV and cartoons on Saturdays.
    And when the time is right I'll just take him out and set him free.
    And tell my little girlfriend that my bunny ran away.

    Mama, don't you worry. You know that I'm still going to church to make sure there's room in heaven for a little punk like me.
    But the Devil came over for dinner last night and said he understands my hurt.
    He said he's going to the netherworld to prepare a place for me.

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