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    "September Morning"genre: General Blues
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    It's a song about looking out the window and seeing nothing but porchlights but knowing that somewhere in the world, something is happening. It's a song about waiting for something to happen.
    Credits: Written and Performed by James Michael Shaw. Recorded at The Disc, Ltd., Detroit, MI.

    Story Behind the Song
    I wrote this song in August, 1999. I was working two jobs and had little freetime. When you're doing that, you find that your friends never see you anymore, so they don't exist. You find that the people you work with aren't really your friends, either. You find yourself at home looking out the window and wondering when something is going to happen. You wonder if, next month, things wil be different.

    That's what I was thinking when I wrote it. Of course, "September Morning" means something different now, (Signed affadavits are available from people who heard me play this song at concerts long before 9/11/01 in case anyone doubts my sincerity.) but I don't mind if the song means something different to you than it does to long as it means something.

    Another year
    Another Kennedy
    Another rainy August Michigan night
    Everybody's talking about this brand new century
    And I'm here waiting for something to happen

    But would you take me way out by the duck pond,
    Little girl?
    And we can poison all the ducks
    And listen to them die
    Maybe then we'd feel like the world is somehow different
    Because you and I are here
    Instead of waiting for something to happen

    Another beer
    A little cocaine
    And soon all my troubles just melt away
    Maybe me and Marvin will go fishing tomorrow night
    Maybe Jesus will come back today

    September morining, when will you come and take all the leaves off the trees so I can waste away?

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