Story Behind the Song
Well....Depalma was sitting out in the hallway (for isolation purposes while recording), and I asked him to play something so I could start setting some levels. Of Course he decides to play 3 chords, and ask if that was good. So Taney and I tell him to play some song, any song. He played a few chords and then said through the mic that he was going to play his "poetry song". Knowing Depalma Taney and I both jumped for the record button, luckilly quick enough to capture what you will hear. You can hear some drumming bleed through (the gate wasn't set yet), cause Taney went to play along with him on the drums in the main room. When he learned that we had recorded this, Depalma's look was priceless! (he had no idea) Incase you are wondering, Depalma did make this song up on the spot, everything he is talking about in his 'poem' are things that were around him in the hallway (mostly in pictures). There were two obsene words but they were removed via the power of the mute button...everybody gove it up for the mute button!
I stop reading poetry. Uncle Sam is stareing at me, he's waving that bright-as* flag of his. There's an apple on the door, what the F*** is up with this apple? On the door it reads, "Danger High Decibel Area". I wonder......I wonder, could it really be loud in there, as the sign says? I see a picture of a castle, what the F*** is this, Europe? I've never seen a castle in PA. Anyway, that's the poem, hope you all liked it.