Story Behind the Song
Recorded and mastered at Waltz Audio in Boston, MA.
Verse 1:
I wanna go there with you, but I know I can’t win, without breaking my promise to always love him. I’m afraid to decide if this detour we started is worth the loss.
There’s a road that leads north and a road that leads south,
There’s a road that runs west, and a road that feels best for my life.There’s a road heading straight up to heaven tonite.
Verse 2:
But I gotta stay grounded, I can’t fly away, what looks paved in the darkness is dirt in the day, but the path that’s forbidden is whispering, “Dawn is a long way off.”
In another world,
in a different time,
that road mighta’ worked.
But I gotta stay,
on my street,
where I know it won’t hurt.
Oh I hope the direction I’m going is right.