The people lined up in a row -- they've got nowhere else to go
Who's leading here, it's not so clear, it's the invisible mirror
Who'd a thunk it in the 1st place
The bridges fall, the angels call, they won't be rescued anyway
Faceless smiles float down the Nile, it takes all day
and it lasts all night
#37's on the floor praying to the empty air
Believing in a 2nd chance, oh but he missed that dance
Better luck neeeeextt tttiiiiiiiiiiimmme
So here we came and we here go, there wasn't that much to the show
We thought that long meant strong
but it all ends w/a .
Not a looo-ahh--ahh-ahhh-ahhh-ahhhhhhhhhttt
Let's end it right now, coz now is all we've got, nothing else
Let's end it right here, there's nowhere to go...this cul de sac.