Gon'a pierce my tounge.
Gon'a pierce my penis.
Gon'a pierce my eyebrows
Gon'a pierce my nipples, nipples
Gon'a pierce my nose
In 18 places.
Gon'a pierce my toes.
Gon'a pierce my anus, anus.
Oh I_______ can't tell you anything
I guess that I________ got'a keep it too myself
Gon'a pierce my eyes.
Gon'a pierce my legs.
Gon'a pierce my fingers.
Gon'a pierce my my my
Gon'a buy a modem.
Gon'a brand my scrotum.
Gon'a stretch my earlobes.
Gon'a dread my pubes, pubes.
Oh I_______ can't tell you anything
I guess that I________ got'a keep it too myself
Oh I_______ can't tell you anything
I guess that I________ got'a get through this myself
Gon'a get a tattoo.
Just gon'a get one
Gon'a get the tip of a snakes tail on my left foot,
Then it's body'll wrap twice around my calf,
Three times around my thigh,
Four times around my chest,
Once around my neck,
And then it's head will be right on the top of my head, which will be shaved balled by the way, so you can see it. No, no, I'll remove the hair by electrolysis, so you can see the snakes head, which'll be facing down with its mouth open and my ears are just poking out from between it's jaws as if it's already swallowing my head.
N'this'll symbolize the constriction
That I'm under.
Oh I_______ can't tell you anything...
Optional additional verse:
OK, maybe I'll get another tattoo.
I'll get a doctor to separate my ribs.
So that a tattoo artist can tattoo my heart black-front and back.
Then they'll close the ribs back up so no one'll see it.
But, I'll know it.
N'this'll symbolize...that I have a black heart.