Story Behind the Song
There is no story behind the song. It's the first song we ever composed with 13itCh. The lyrics are about addiction.
RELEAF (first verse) Deep inside I´m falling apart, Creepy walls, paint stink of art, Sick twisted black gone insane, once again, Lizzard tongues that licks my fucking brain, insane, Slapped bitch trying to kill the swine, The fucking whore! (second vrese) Deep inside I know whats right, Evil substance, why arent you here, Shattered sword bites the fucking chain, it turns and sways, Tormented, tormented soul I cant get whole, Anguish toxid wasting my time, My fucking time! (chorus) SICK OF ME (repeat 8 times) (bridge one) Stone core mind, Mixed withe the grind, Dark greed, one mouth to feed, Dark greed, one mouth to feed (bridge two) Give me more, I want it all, I cant get enough, I'll be satisfied as a whore